Monday 3 March 2014


Interactivity is becoming more and more important and is becoming an essential if a magazine wants to stay in business as social networking is now largely more popular than paper magazines, because of this many magazines now have their own websites and social networking in order to keep in touch with their readers and draw new customers.

Many magazine editors will use social networking to make the audience feel like they have a say in what goes inside the magazine, for example the editor of Kerrang!, a popular rock genre music magazine often uses Twitter to ask his followers who they think should feature on the front cover of the next issue which makes the readers feel as if they have had an input in the magazine.

In additional many magazines will include a page of fan letters/ fan art/links to videos on these pages the editor will often reply to something the fan has spoke about which makes the fans feel as if they are being listened to and their opinion is important to the magazine. Interactivity can expand a magazines readership and make it look more modern leading to it becoming a popular and well known magazine. 

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